Undeniably, poverty exists among people everywhere and at all times. It would be impossible to eradicate it altogether because it is Allah’s will that sources of income and subsistence are uneven. However, it is possible to alleviate the situation by trying to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor and securing means for the latter.
To remedy the situation, Allah Almighty has ordered the well-to-do to contribute out of the wealth He has generously bestowed upon them and in which the poor have also a prescribed right. Such a contribution may be defined, as in the Zakat dues, or left unspecified in the form of charity and voluntary donations. Likewise, it is the responsibility of the state to intervene, whenever necessary, in the protection of the underprivileged against the disasters of hunger. In cases of emergency, the state is often forced to extract additional contributions from the rich to rescue the poor, in accordance with the principle that, when people are stricken by hunger, wealth is no longer anybody’s.
Allah Almighty says, “It is a good thing to give charity openly, but it is still better if you give it secretly to the poor. We shall thereby expiate your sins. Allah is well-informed of what you do.” (Sura 2: 271) On the authority of Ali, the Prophet Muhammad said, “Allah requires of the wealthy among Muslims to give enough out of their wealth to meet the needs of their poor people. It is the responsibility of the wealthy that the poor do not suffer hunger or remain without clothing, for Allah will judge them severely, as He might inflict a heavy punishment upon them.” (Related by Tabrani)
Poverty, for which Islam urges us to find a solution, may conceivably be caused by a number of situations, or conditions such as a disability preventing one from working, sickness, childhood, old age, the loss of property as a result of some legal measure, a catastrophe, a theft, usurpation or the like. However, Islam does not tolerate the type of poverty caused by laziness and voluntary unemployment when working opportunities exist. The Syariah is rather severe towards those individuals who, turning down the honorable means of making a living, lower themselves by depending on the charity of others. Such people not only cause damage to their own dignity but constitute a hindrance for the development and progress of their country. In the eyes of the Syariah, their behavior is punishable.
Of course, those whose poverty is justifiable are to be taken care of by the State which has to look after its own security. In fact, if such people are left uncared for, with no chances to meet their needs and no decent occupations to be devoted to, they would feel so unwanted and humiliated that they might be furiously pushed to create situations of unrest, or they would at least resort to illegal acts of trickery, of violence or treason; in either case, the State would be faced with the danger of unforeseen consequences.
When Caliph Abu Bakr rose up firmly against those who refused to pay the Zakat dues, his objective was not only to reinforce the precepts of the Syariah but to justify the legitimate right of the State in the matter, by extracting the rights of the poor from the rich, so as to ensure social equality within the normal conditions of peace and security.
Let the well-to-do then remember the bounties which Allah Almighty has bestowed upon them. They must also remember that all they happen to have belongs to the Almighty, and that such bounties are made to put them to test. So, they should spend charitably and be kind as Allah has been to them; they should avoid spreading corruption on earth, for Allah does not like those who bring about such a state.
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