Based on the principle of mutual consultation. Islam is a religion which urges people to give good counsel to one another whenever needed, seeking to secure the comfort and happiness of all. Since, by nature, man is weak, imperfect and fallible, Allah Almighty has mercifully made it the duty of one individual to be alert to the errors of others and point out the right direction.
The Almighty having thus made counseling a motto of the Islamic community, anyone detecting a misbehavior on the part of a leader or an administrator is expected to point it out and give advice, and anyone who sees a friend or close relative go astray is obligated to have him or her come back to the right path.
The Almighty having thus made counseling a motto of the Islamic community, anyone detecting a misbehavior on the part of a leader or an administrator is expected to point it out and give advice, and anyone who sees a friend or close relative go astray is obligated to have him or her come back to the right path.
If a community is impregnated with such a quality, its members are bound to be constantly aware of both temporal and spiritual matters.
Allah Almighty says: “Neither the weak, nor the sick, nor those who have no means of subsistence are to be blamed, provided they are sincere towards Allah and His Messenger.” (Sura 9: 91) and “Through Dawud and Jesus, Mary’s son , those who rejected faith among the children of Israel were cursed because of their excessive obstinacy and their wrongdoing; they would not warn one another against their transgressions.” (Sura 5: 79)
In the Sunnah, “Religion implies sincere advice, “said the Prophet Muhammad. “For whom? O, messenger of Allah!” he was asked. “For Allah”, he replied, “His Book, His Messenger, Muslim leaders and the general public.” (Related by Muslim)
Given the prominent position of counselling in Islam, the Prophet Muhammad has gone as far as to consider it as the main reference in assessing one’s religious belief; in other words, there can be no religion without counselling. Under this concept are implied the qualities of Islam, faith and kindness.
The prophet Muhammad said, “Those who show no concern for Muslims cannot claim to belong to them; neither can those who give no counsel for the sake of Allah, that of His Messenger or His Book, or that of their own leaders.” (Related by Tabarani)
Islamic Morals
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