A Muslim believes in Allah and he expresses his belief in words, plants it in the hart and actualizes it in deed. This faith is expressed in detail by two kinds of expressions general and specific.
As a general faith, a Muslim believes in Allah with all His names and attributes, and he accepts all His commands. There are ninety-nine attributes and names of Allah and a Muslim believes in all His attributes. Allah is All-Powerful, The All-Knowing and The Creator of the universe. A Muslim regards Him as the only Ruler and Master. A Muslim has to depend upon Allah’s mercy alone.
A specific faith or faith in detail is that a Muslim believes in Allah, His angels, His Holy books, all of His prophets, the day of judgment and life after death, and in the fact that good and evil all come from Him. A true Muslim believes in all of these articles of faith, and follows the last prophet in his actions. The teaching of the last prophet is known in full detail; either it is written in the Qur’an, the final book, or in Sunnah. The faith gives human beings peace and security.
English For Islamic Studies
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