Islam is greatly concerned with the progress and evolution of mankind, recommending ways of achieving a high degree of civilization. Among such ways, we may mention solidarity, mutual affection and co-operation. To consolidate such means and bring about their implementation, Islam makes of kindness the most important tool, which is our constantly reinforced by the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah.
Allah Almighty says: “Spend generously for the Cause of Allah; do not put yourselves in a self-destroying situation; be kind, for Allah loves those who are so.” (Sura 2: 194) and “Do strive to attain the Hereafter with what Allah has bestowed upon you, and do not forget your share in this world; be kind as Allah has been to you, and cause no evil in the land, for Allah does not love evil-doers.” (Sura 28: 77) On the authority of Abu Ya’la Shaddad Ibn ‘Aus, the Prophet Muhammad said: “Allah Almighty has prescribed kindness in everything. So, if you have to kill, do it properly: when you slaughter, do it adequately, and make sure the blade is sharpened, out of mercy for the slaughter animal.” (Related by Muslim)
One of the greatest dangers for human communities is the spread of discord and harshness among their members, which can only bring about a deterioration of their structure and a disintegration of their unity and power.
In this respect, Islam sees to it that love and brotherhood prevail among the members of the Islamic Ummah, insisting that kindness, in its broadest sense, be the basis of one’s conduct, whether with oneself or when relating to Allah, the community or even other creatures. Surely, as confirmed by Islam such is the way of becoming fully virtuous and achieving all noble goals.
Islamic Morals
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