There are times when people come to realize they have been indulging in various forbidden acts. Even at such a stage, the religion of Islam fortunately leaves the door of repentance open before them. Believers entering such a door with good intentions and pure hearts will have all their past misdeeds forgiven.
Thus, Islam does give evildoers the opportunity to make up for their deeds by improving their conduct, acquiring inner peace and faithfully turning to Allah. Allah Almighty says: “O you who believe! Do repent sincerely to Allah. Then your Lord may forgive you your wrong-doings and allow you access into Gardens beneath which rivers are flowing.” (Sura 66: 8)
On the authority of Abu Musa Al-Asy’ari, the Holy prophet Muhammad said: “Allah Almighty spreads His hand at night so that day evil-doers may repent, as He spreads it during the day so that night evil-doers may repent; and so it is until the sun rises from its setting point.” (Related by Muslim)
Among the qualities of Islam, concern for the comfort of its adepts. In times of difficulties, it inspires people with optimism and the performance of good deeds. It therefore leaves the door of repentance, as well as that of forgiveness, open for those who hope for a better lot in this world and in the Hereafter.
The justification of such hope comes from the promise found in the Holy Qur’an, as Allah Almighty says, “Do not despair of Allah’s Mercy. Allah does forgive all sins.” (Sura 39: 53)
Thus, whoever seeks Allah’s forgiveness has to give up evil acts and repenting turn a new leaf. As for those who persist in their wrongdoing, they only harm themselves. Allah harms no one.
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