Probity, or righteousness, means the full adherence to the principles of justice as laid down in religion for the people by Allah Almighty. Without ever moving away from it, one will find peace of mind in a life that is worth living: it is with it that one’s conditions improve and true happiness is reached in this world and in the Hereafter.
Without it, one is bound to go astray and fall into the abyss of deterioration, becoming consequently harmful, for oneself and for others, as the sense of good deeds makes way for the bad ones.
Given thus the great significance of probity in the progress of man’s culture. Islam urges us to abide by it in every way possible, as we can see in a number of Qur’anic verses and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad.
Allah Almighty says: “Say, ‘I am just a human being like you, and it has been revealed to me that your God is One: so, turn righteously to Him and ask Him forgiveness.” (Sura 41: 6) On the authority of Abu-Dhar, the Prophet Muhammad said: “Successful are those whose hearts are purified and wholly devoted to faith, those whose tongues utter the truth, those whose minds are at peace, and those who behave righteously.” (Related by Ibn Hibban)
As we can see from these passages and other illustrations, righteousness cannot be separated from the belief in Allah or realized without the adherence to the divine prescriptions and Allah’s commands. It is only by constantly invoking Allah and steadily living according to the Shari’ah that one can hope to become righteous.
Allah Almighty says, “Allah will certainly put those who have believed on the right path.” (Sura 32: 54)
The Almighty says also, “Whoever holds firmly onto Allah will be put on the straight path.” (Sura 3: 101)
Addressing the Prophet Muhammad, the Almighty says again, “You are a true guide showing the right path, the path of Allah to Whom belongs all that is in the heavens and on the earth.” (Sura 42: 52-53)
Since uprightness does not agree with the nature of human instincts and desires, Allah Almighty has mercifully made it possible for us o ask Him to assist us in achieving it steadily. Thus, every time we prostrate ourselves in prayer, we say most devotedly. “It is You that we worship and it is from You that we seek support: we pray You lead us to the right-path, the path of those You have blessed, not that of those who have gone astray.” (Sura 1: 5-7)
Furthermore, Allah Almighty has promised the greatest reward and the surest forgiving for those among us who behave righteously. He says, in fact:
“As for those who say, ‘Our Lord is Allah’, then keep to the straight path, angels will surely come down to them to tell them. Don’t you be afraid or feel grievouus; rather, rejoice with the paradise you have been promised. We are your supporting friends in this life and the hereafter, where all your wishes and requests will be satisfied, as a sign of generous hospitality from the Most Forgiving and Most Beneficent.” (Sura 41: 30-32)
Therefore, fellow believers, try your best to live according to Allah’s orders and commands, and adhere to the precepts and prescriptions of the Shari’ah, so that you be among the righteous ones and enjoy the happiness of this world and the bliss of the Hereafter; Allah will then be pleased with you.
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