A prophet is a human being who receives guidance from Allah, obeys Allah and invites others to obey Allah. Some of the prophets received books from Allah, others followed the books revealed to the prophets before them. Allah has sent prophets to all people at different times. Some of the well-known prophets are: Noah, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Abraham, David, Solomon, Joseph, Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon him). Muhammad (p.b.u.h.0 is the last prophet.
All prophets worshipped Allah and taught us to worship Him alone. They showed us how to obey Allah and they also showed us how to please Him. A Muslim believes in all the prophets. He loves and respects all of them, but does not worship them. The followers of the earlier prophets were also Muslims. They also believed in One God and served Him as the prophets taught them.
When people forgot the true message of Allah, he sent other prophets to remind them of their duty to Allah. In this way prophets came at different times. Allah made Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) the last of the prophets.
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