One of the articles of faith in Islam is belief in life after death. The prophet has shown us the path of obedience, peace and happiness. It depends on us to follow the prophet or to follow the devil. We are free to choose the path to paradise and happiness or the path to hell and misery. The ways to hell are the ways of the devil, which are the ways of evil.
Life on this earth is very short. This short life should be utilized properly by obeying the will of God and pursuing the wishes of Allah. One day all lives in this world will come to an end and all creatures will die. Then there will be the Day of Judgment when Allah will ask us what we did in the world. Every man will be judged. Those who obey Allah and follow the prophets will go to paradise. Those who disobey Allah and follow the devil will go to hell.
Life in paradise will be a life of peace and happiness, which will never end. Those who go to hell will live there in pain and suffering.
Life in hell will be miserable, sad and horrible. Belief in life after death is part of the muslim faith. May Allah protect the believers from hell and reward them with His mercy and paradise.
English For Islamic Studies
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