It is very common to find people whose living consitions are so seriously affected that they have to face problems of nutrition, clothing, housing or health; and such problems may last for a while. In spite of all that such people would never stretch their hands to anybody, knock on anybody’s door or humiliate themselves in any way; they might even never show their poverty, foe they are so unassuming that they give the impression of being well-to-do and, therefore, no one would ever suspect they need any assistance.
Actually, such people are so proud that they cannot afford to have their dignity trodden upon, just to fill their bellies or have their immediate needs satisfied. Indeed, they are the ones worthy of society’s special attention, the ones who should be takken care of, because they are the real ones in need of help.
Allah Almight says: “Give those poor ones who are prevented from going to fight for Allah’s Cause and cannot leave the land for commerce; because of their modesty and un-pretentiousness, the ignorant think them wealthy, but you would know them by the mere look; they would not inconvenience others by begging. Allah is surely Well-Informed of any charity you may give.” (Sura 2: 273)
On the authority of Abu Hurayrah, the Prophet Muhammad said: “Wealth is not the display of possession, but the safeguard of one’s dignity.”
On the authority of Hakim Ibn Hizam, the Prophet Muhammad said: “The upper hand is better than the lower one; so, start first with those under your care. The best charity is that which is given after one’s needs have been satisfied. Allah will make chaste those who wish to be so, as He will give those who feel satisfied.” (Related by Al-Bukhari and Muslim Akhdar)
On the authority of Abu Hurayrah, the Prophet Muhammad said: “The poor are not those who move around begging for a mouthful or two, a date or two; they are those who can find no means of self-sopport, or go so unnoticed that no one ever thinks of giving them; they are those who never dare go out and ask others to give them.”
Read Unpretentiousness in Islam 2
Read Unpretentiousness in Islam 2
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